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Health & Wellbeing Week at MEDICAL FM.

The wellbeing of our employees is a top priority at MEDICAL FM LTD , which is why we set a series of challenges for colleagues throughout our Health & Wellbeing Week!

First off was our Steps Challenge where all teams were encouraged to keep active throughout the week. To add a bit of a competitive edge to the challenge, we asked all team members to record the number of steps they achieved, with the winning team getting the most on average over the 5 day sprint.

But at MEDICAL FM LTD , we recognise that good mental health is as important as physical health, so we also challenged colleagues to take part in Wellbeing Bingo.

The week long bingo game set all colleagues a series of tasks, which included taking a little time away from their work to relax, unwind, be social and most of all have fun! Tasks included recording small wins like getting through their to-do lists, to more physical challenges like planking and riding a bike to work.

For many the week was also an excuse to eat a little healthier, have picnics with their teams and to generally get to know other colleagues a little better.

Well done Team MEDICAL FM LTD !

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